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Wellness Examinations


Regular wellness visits are very important to educate pet owners in proper animal care and identify medical problems.  Wellness care throughout all life stages provides an excellent opportunity for our veterinarians to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your companion.  Identifying potential problems and issues early can improve your pet’s health and quality of life.


Wellness examinations include a detailed history of your pet’s life style, behavior, appetite, exercise, and diet.  We provide a thorough physical examination to include all of your pet’s major organ systems.  It is an excellent opportunity to discuss routine diagnostic testing that may detect early health concerns.  We will recommend vaccinations to support your pet’s lifestyle.   Your pet’s nutrition will be discussed and we can monitor fluctuations in weight which can also be a way to detect early issues. 


During wellness visits, we encourage our clients to ask us questions or to express their concerns about their companion’s health.   Our veterinary team will provide answers to common questions and make sure pet owners are involved in all decisions regarding pet care.


Wellness visits help the veterinary team to establish a relationship with the pet owner and pet.  We build a bond with our clients and our patients which allows us to establish normal parameters which makes it easier for us to recognize an early problem.  We know your pet’s history, life style, health risks, home environment, nutritional information, and medical history which ultimately can lead to a faster diagnosis when patients are ill.  Wellness visits are very important to establish normal to recognize abnormal quicker. 


Puppies and kittens will require a series of initial wellness visits early in life.   We recommend an annual wellness visit for patients 1 – 7 years of age.  Senior pets older than 7 years should have 1 – 2 wellness visits each year.  Our veterinarians recommend geriatric patients 13 years and older to visit at least twice a year.   Patients who have medical problems such as Diabetes Mellitus or Kidney Disease may require more frequent medical progress examinations, but our staff is diligent at reminding owners when their pets’  are due for reevaluation.

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